Decoding/Encoding Tools
Support Extended Sequential ISO/IEC 10918-1 JPEG compliance
Support one or three color components
Three components in a scan (interleaved only)
8-bit and 12-bit samples for each component
Support 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:4:0, 4:4:4 and 4:0:0 color formats
Max. six 8x8 blocks in one MCU
Support NV12/NV16/NV24 (CbCr Interleaved), NV21/NV61/NV42 (CrCb Interleaved)
Support from 16 x 16 to 32K x 32K (32,768 x 32,768) image size
Packed mode is supported
12-bit PPM format is supported
Value-added Features
Partial mode for encoding and decoding
On-the-fly rotator/mirror
ROI(Region of Interest) for decoding
On-the-fly downsampler for decoding
Color format converting for decoding
Decode up to 290M pix/s for 4:2:0 color format
Encode up to 290M pix/s for 4:2:0 color format
Operating clock frequency: 200MHz
Ease of integration
AMBA 32-bit APB (w/ PREADY) interface for communication with a host processor
AMBA 64-bit AXI interface for the external memory