The Vega eFPGA is a flexible programmable solution crafted to enhance SoC designs with substantial ease and efficiency. This IP is designed to offer multiple advantages such as increased performance, reduced costs, secure IP handling, and ease of integration. The Vega eFPGA boasts a versatile architecture allowing for tailored configurations to suit varying application requirements.
This IP includes configurable tiles like CLB (Configurable Logic Blocks), BRAM (Block RAM), and DSP (Digital Signal Processing) units. The CLB part includes eight 6-input Lookup Tables that provide dual outputs, and also an optional configuration with a fast adder having a carry chain. The BRAM supports 36Kb dual-port memory and offers flexibility for different configurations, while the DSP component is designed for complex arithmetic functions with its 18x20 multipliers and a wide 64-bit accumulator.
Focused on allowing easy system design and acceleration, Vega eFPGA ensures seamless integration and verification into any SoC design. It is backed by a robust EDA toolset and features that allow significant customization, making it adaptable to any semiconductor fabrication process. This flexibility and technological robustness places the Vega eFPGA as a standout choice for developing innovative and complex programmable logic solutions.