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All IPs > Multimedia > CSC > eSi-Floating Point

eSi-Floating Point

From eSi-RISC

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The eSi-Floating Point cores deliver robust IEEE 754-2008 compliant floating-point arithmetic across varying precision levels: half, single, and double. These cores are meticulously designed to support operations such as addition, multiplication, and division among others, all executed with precision and high efficiency.

Fully pipelined, these cores are capable of maintaining throughput at one operation per clock cycle, balancing latency and frequency to optimize performance. The floating-point cores are technology-independent, making them suitable for both ASIC and FPGA designs, and they can be easily integrated into custom data path designs.

With features supporting subnormal numbers, NaNs, and error handling for operations such as divide-by-zero and overflow, the IP ensures data integrity and operational reliability. The design deliverables include Verilog HDL, accompanied by comprehensive documentation to facilitate straightforward deployment across varied platforms.

  • IEEE 754 compliant
  • Precision configurations
Foundries & Process Nodes
Foundry Process Nodes
TSMC 180nm
Tech Specs
Class Value
Categories Multimedia > CSC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Scientific computing
  • Signal processing
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